Tuesday, October 30, 2007


虛實有致是使畫面靈動的藝術手段,虛實之間可以相生相補: 太虛則無力、無所歸依,必須以實補之定神; 太實則畫面凝重阻塞,難有喘息之地,要以虛來調節緩冲。一般來說,空疏、輊薄、淡漠、稀少、遙遠、浮動等為虛; 密集、凝重、濃厚、繁多、近景、穩定為實。又有靜者、次者為虛; 動者、主者為實。


留白是中國畫構圖非常重要的形式美追求之一。空白之產生是跟中國畫觀察方法素有遺貌取神的特點有關 - 不追求客觀物象自然屬性的完整,而致力于主觀精神的傳達,因此,往往只是將物象最本質的特征、最能表達主題思想的形體作精心的取捨安排,而將可有可無的、與主題無直接關聯的內容完全刪除。所以空白不是“沒有”的意思,而是同形體、線條、色彩一樣,是構成畫面的有機組成部分,它不僅襯托主體,同時也擴大了畫面的意境,形成可視形象的外延聯想,把不盡如人意的部分代之以可以和主題相聯繫的、自由但卻是虛擬的聯想空間。因此它既是無形,也是有形,是一種“藏境”的手法,是筆不到而意到,意不到而神到。如果空白是作為物象之外的虛化處理手段,那麼,白也可以是黑。

空白有兩種基本性質 - 形象性和非形象性。形象性是指空白可以根據與空白相聯繫的物象進行直接聯想的形象空缺。形象性可分為單一性和多重性。

根據主體和形式美的需要,空白的安排一般有如下幾種方式 :
  • 天地的地方
  • 雲霧、水流的地方
  • 過於繁密的地方
  • 主體周圍
  • 不畫背景
  • 形式美的需要

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Vitamin & Nutrition

Thiamine (B1)
Sources: Yeast, Pork, Legumes, Cereal grains, Rice (Whole grain)

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
Sources: Meat & dairy products


- 色彩以固有色平塗為主,物像固有色不受特定的時間和光暗的影響,其色彩變化,實際上只是在一色中或是突起部位用淺色,深凹處着重色,以表現物體的陰陽向背;或是凸出部分着濃色,以表現物象的強烈固有色,其餘部類則約略之。

- 因强調固有色,所以不計中間色、環境色、光源色等,固常用兩種或以上對比色和近似色組合搭配,通過墨跡和留白的調節作用,使對比色在交匯中空間混合調和。

- 歷來主張以筆墨為骨,色彩為輔,互不干擾。傳統畫論有謂“以色助墨光,以墨顯色彩”,“色墨交融”。以此強調墨和色彩的對比關係。

- 受色料性質决定其用色,不能像油畫用很厚色。過厚反顯得薄相。所以講究一遍遍簿塗,追求淺中、薄中見深厚,主張艷而雅致,麗而不過,濃不堆垛,淡而有味,輕不黯然,淺中求神,薄中求厚。

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Risk Management of Fixed Income Securities

Valuation is a process of finding the fair value of a security at a particular moment in time in a specified economic environment. Good valuation depends on the ability to reverse-engineer its cash flow structure (cash flow uncertainties, optionality, and path dependency) as a function of time-based systematic risk factors. According to the option pricing theory, the fair price of a security is defined as a mathematical expectation of all conceivable discounted future payoffs.

Because valuation models use information from the current economic environment (yield curves, foreign exchange rates, observed market prices, implied volatilities, and various credit spreads) as input. Therefore, prices of fixed income securities would change due to the inputs fluctuate. In this case, the job of risk management is to assess the risk associated with the market moves. Here, the knowledge of probability associated with potential losses is combined with the estimates of their magnitude to arrive at a "worst-case loss." In contrast to valuation that attempts to model the bulk of the probabilistic distribution of future returns, risk management is concerned with potential losses which found at the left tail of the future distribution of random returns.

Traders in the market use Taylor series expansions to study the price sensitivity of fixed income securities. The first-order approximation of the price/yield function is known as delta, or duration (as elasticity measure). The second-order approximation is called delta-gamma or duration-convexity.

Modified duration - a measure of price sensitivity of a fixed income security to changes in its yield-to-maturity. It is linked to the first-order term of Taylor series expansion. Modified duration is defined as the negative of the percentage change in price, given 100 basis point change in yield:

Modified Duration = - (1/P) (dP/dy)

Modified Convexity = 1/P (d2P/dy2,) - estimates the degree of nonlinearity of the price/yield curve.

Macaulay Duration = (1+y) x Modified Duration - measure price volatility, i.e. larger the Macaulay duration, the more volatile the price of the bond. This simply implies higher risks for securities whose cash flows are concentrated in the future.

For n-year bond that pays fixed annual cash flows CF1, ..., CFn and its yield-of-maturity,

P = SUM ( CFt / [1+y]t) t=1..n

Modified Duration = 1/ (P x (1+y)) x SUM ( (t x CFt) / [1+y]t) t=1..n

Approximation of percentage change in price for a given change in yield is given by:

delta P / P ~= -Modifed Duration x delta y + Modified Convexity / 2 x (delta y)2.

Extension of modified duration methodology uses annualized spot rate rt at time t rather than yield-to-maturity. Even so, the fair value may still be different from that on the market because of the numerous assumptions built into the generation of static cash flows. In order to reconcile the values, practitioners introduced the concept of zero volatility spread (ZVO), defined as an additional constant element of discounting that forces the fair value to equal the market price:

P = SUM ( CFt / [1+rt+ZVO]t) t=1..n

Liquidity risk is important among the most potent sources of market risk. However, due to the over-the-counter nature of the majority of fixed income markets, machanisms for recording completed transactions do not exist. Thus, traders use subjective judgement to set the bid/ask spreads for each asset class.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Eat the Rainbow

Look for the colors to eat is the way of rainbow diet. Some people believe that colorful food can strengthen the immune system and make the body fit. Studies show that pigments that confer the color to fruits and vegetables are laden with phytochemical compounds and antioxidants. Inside our body, chemical changes in the cells that use oxygen give birth to free radicals. Antioxidants, in theory, counteract and neutralize these harmful radicals.

There are five colors to eat (not necessary to has them daily):
  1. RED pigment – find in red peppers, pimientos, tomatoes, apples, pink grapefruit, watermelon, etc. It contains the lycopene antioxidant, from the carotenoid family of pigments, which helps improving short and long term memory, protects and prevents from heart disorders and some types of cancer, e.g. breast and prostate cancer. Besides the antioxidant properties, lycopene is also a detoxifier of the waste in the body and inhibits cholesterol formation.
  2. Yellow-orange pigment - find in in pumpkins, pears, carrots, saffron, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, pineapples, bananas, mango, etc. It is given by the betacarotene, improves eyesight and helps heart to function accurately, strengthens the immune system, prevents against cancer and is an anti-aging and anti-wrinkling agent for the skin. Betacarotene is a photopigment usually related and connected to the vitamin A in plants. It is stock-piled in the epidermis, most precisely in the membranes of skin cells and in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. It absorbs the UV rays radiation (Carotene can also be stored in the liver and, when the body needs it, converted into vitamin A).
  3. Green pigment – find in cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, endives, asparagus, spinach, nettles, kiwi fruits, green apples, beans, peas, parsley, pepper grass, green tea, etc. It is given by lutein, that improves eyesight, the bone system and also the teeth, protects and prevents our organism from cancer. Lutein is found all throughout our body, but it is very concentrated in the macula of the eyes. Moreover, the chlorophyll in green plants has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and also purifies the blood from toxins and other waste.
  4. Blue-violet pigment – find in grapes, plums, red cabbage and red beet, currants, figs, all kinds of berries, etc. It contains anthocyanines, which inhibit the cholesterol level in the blood and helps maintaining the flexibility of the blood vessels. Mixed with the beneficial effects of vitamin A or C, anthocyanins improve visual accuracy, improve blood circulation to the eyes and the nervous system.
  5. White pigment – find in garlic, onion, mushrooms, celery, parsley root, cauliflower, etc. It contains one or more of the antioxidants mentioned before, depending in the fruit or vegetable. White plants have an anti-infalmmatory and anti-allergenic effect and also prevent cancer.