Monday, December 5, 2011



止瀉劑速治靈 (Imodium) 主要成份為洛哌丁胺 (Loperamide)。作用于腸壁,是通過抑制胃腸平滑肌收縮、抑制腸蠕動,減少排便次數來達到止瀉效果。 主要用于非感染性的一般腹瀉,對于感染性腹瀉的急性期、炎症及中毒症狀較明顯時,應視止瀉劑為禁忌。不能單獨使用于伴有發熱和便血的細菌性痢疾。

吸附藥及腸黏膜保護劑常用于治療消化不良、急性腸炎、潰瘍性結腸炎等引起的腹瀉,主要有藥用活性炭、鞣酸蛋白(Albuminate, find in Apple)、次碳酸鉍等。作用原理是藥物口服到大腸後,通過吸附或收斂作用減少腸內容物對腸壁的刺激,或形成保護膜,減少腸黏膜滲出而發揮止瀉作用,這些藥物宜空腹服用。


Ref: Imodium
Common viral infections that cause diarrhea include rotavirus (especially in children), norovirus (a.k.a. Norwalk virus), and others.

Bacterial infections that cause diarrhea are typically from contaminated food or water and include salmonella and E. coli. The most common cause of Traveler's Diarrhea is a bacterial infection.

Loperamide HCl is a white to faintly yellow, amorphous or microcrystalline powder. It is classified as an antiperistaltic antidiarrheal agent.

Loperamide is an orally administered, noncentrally acting antidiarrheal agent that has been shown to be effective for relief of acute and chronic diarrhea of diverse etiology. It acts locally in the small and large intestines to decrease motility and, consequently, increase gastrointestinal (GI) transit time by inhibiting peristalsis. ... This occurs primarily via an opioid ef- fect, enhancing circular segmental intestinal muscle contractions,15,42 retarding forward peristaltic motion and increasing intestinal transit time.

Loperamide also reduces daily fecal volume output, inhibits intestinal secretion of fluid and electrolytes, and increases anal sphincter tone.

Some Bifidobacterium strains are considered as important probiotics and used in the food industry. Different species and/or strains of Bifidobacteria may exert a range of beneficial health effects, including the regulation of intestinal microbial homeostasis, the inhibition of pathogens and harmful bacteria that colonize and/or infect the gut mucosa, the modulation of local and systemic immune responses, the repression of procarcinogenic enzymatic activities within the microbiota, the production of vitamins, and the bioconversion of a number of dietary compounds into bioactive molecules.

Mother's milk contains high concentrations of lactose and lower quantities of phosphate (pH Buffer). Therefore, when mother's milk is fermented by lactic acid bacteria (incl. bifidobacteria) in the infant's GI tract, the pH may be reduced, making it more difficult for Gram-negative bacteria to grow.


藥食同源 - 具有止泻作用的食物
  1. 马齿苋 - 以马齿苋的水煎液对大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌、伤寒杆菌以及常 见 致病性皮肤真菌有明显的抑制作用,对预防痢疾有良好作用,其治疗效果不亚于黄连素和其 他肠用抗菌素。
  2. 白扁豆 - 主治霍乱呕吐、肠鸣泄泻、炎 天暑气、酒毒伤胃。花可治血痢。但由于它含有对人体有 影响的植物血凝素和溶血性皂素,需高温方能破坏之,因此食服时必需烧熟煮透。对生扁豆 加热不够,食后可发生恶心、呕吐、腹痛、头晕等中毒症状。
  3. 茶叶 - 药理作用主要由其所含的黄嘌呤衍生物(咖啡因及茶 碱)所产生,另外尚含大量鞣酸,有收敛、抑菌及维生素p样作用。
  4. 山楂 - 山楂的体外抑菌试验表明,生山楂有很强的抑制福氏痢疾杆 菌、宋内氏痢疾杆菌、变形杆菌、大肠杆菌及绿脓杆菌的作用。
  5. 乌梅 - 对肠道致病菌 以及呼吸道多处致病菌有较强的抑菌作用。
  6. 苹果 - 經煮熟的苹果中含有鞣酸和有机酸,两者有收敛作用。
  7. 石榴 - 石榴皮止泻效果比石榴果实更佳。
  8. 胡椒 - 大辛热,纯阳之物,肠胃寒湿者宜之。
  9. 肉桂 - 能补元阳、暖脾胃,对阳气不足、腹冷泄泻者尤宜。
  10. 栗子 、榛子