Friday, September 28, 2012

Smoking Point & Olive Oil

Smoking point is the temperature at which bluish smoke coming up from the cooking oil or fat. The oil begins to break down to glycerol and free fatty acids. The glycerol is then further broken down to acrolein. It is the presence of the acrolein that causes the smoke to be extremely irritating to the eyes and throat. Considerably above the temperature of the smoke point is the flash point, the point at which the vapors from the oil can first ignite when mixed with air.

The smoke point of an oil does tend to increase as free fatty acid decreases and degree of refinement increases. Heating oil produces free fatty acid and as heating time increases, more free fatty acids are produced, thereby decreasing smoke point. The smoke point also marks the beginning of both flavour and nutritional degradation. Therefore, it is a key consideration when selecting a fat for frying.

Oil  Quality  Smoking Point
芥花籽油 Canola (rapeseed) oil High Oleic 246°C
橄欖油 Olive oil Extra light 242°C
橄欖油 Olive oil 油渣 Pomace 238°C
花生油 Peanut oil Refined 232°C
玉米油 Corn oil Refined 232°C
葵花油 Sunflower oil Refined 227°C
葡萄籽油 Grapeseed oil 216°C
Olive oil, low acidity Extra virgin 207°C
芥花籽油 Canola oil Refined 204°C
橄欖油 Olive oil Virgin 199°C
橄欖油 Olive oil Extra virgin 191°C
豬油 Lard 188°C
玉米油 Corn oil Unrefined 178°C
芝麻油 Sesame oil Unrefined 177°C
花生油 Peanut oil Unrefined 160°C
葵花油 Sunflower oil High Oleic 160°C
奶油 Butter 121-149°C
亞麻仁油 Flax seed oil Unrefined 107°C
葵花油 Sunflower oil Unrefined 107°C

Olive oil is composed mainly of the mixed triglyceride esters of (monounsaturatedoleic acid (55-83%) and palmitic acid (7.5-20%) and of other fatty acids. Evidence from epidemiological studies also suggests that a higher proportion of monounsaturated fats in the diet is linked with a reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease. Unlike saturated fats, olive oil lowers total cholesterol and LDL levels in the blood. It is also known to lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

Olive oil contains a wide variety of valuable antioxidants that are not found in other oils. Hydroxytyrosol (in extra-virgin olive oil) is thought to be the main antioxidant compound in olives. Hydroxytyrosol's oxygen radical absorbance capacity is 40,000 umolTE/g, which is ten times higher than that of green tea, and two times higher than that of CoQ10. Epidemiological studies suggest that olive oil has a protective effect against certain malignant tumours in the breast, prostate, endometrium and digestive tract. Research has revealed that the type rather than the quantity of fat seems to have more implications for cancer incidence.

Olive oil contains a group of related natural products, called natural phenols, with potent antioxidant properties that give extra-virgin unprocessed olive oil its bitter and pungent taste and are esters of tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol, including oleocanthal and oleuropein. Olive oil is a source of at least 30 phenolic compounds. Oleocanthal is a tyrosol ester and its chemical structure is related to oleuropein that is also found in olive oil. Oleocanthal is a non-selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (COX) similar to classical NSAIDs like ibuprofen. 50g of olive oil per day is thought to have the same effect as 1/10 of the adult ibuprofen dose. It has been suggested that long-term consumption of small quantities of this compound from olive oil may be responsible in part for the low incidence of heart disease associated with a Mediterranean diet.

Another health benefit of olive oil seems to be its property to displace omega-6 fatty acids, while not having any impact on omega-3 fatty acids. This way, olive oil helps to build a more healthy balance between omega-6 fats and omega-3 fats.

Olive Oil - Commercial grades
Olive paste is churned slowly or mixed to allow the microscopic oil droplets to concentrate. The oil is extracted by means of pressure (traditional) or centrifugation. After extraction the remnant solid substance, called pomace, still contains a small quantity of oil.
  • Virgin means the oil was produced by the use of physical means and no chemical treatment. The term virgin oil referring to production is different from Virgin Oil on a retail label. Virgin olive oils contain the highest levels of polyphenols, antioxidants that have been linked with better health.
  • Cold pressed or Cold extraction means "that the oil was not heated over a certain temperature (usually 27 °C) during processing, thus retaining more nutrients and undergoing less degradation."
  • First cold pressed means "that the fruit of the olive was crushed exactly one time. The cold refers to the temperature range of the fruit at the time it is crushed." There is no "second" press of virgin oil, so the term "first press" means only that the oil was produced in a press vs. other possible methods.
  • Refined means that the oil has been chemically treated to neutralize strong tastes (characterized as defects) and neutralize the acid content (free fatty acids). 
  • Pure, Light and Extra-Light are terms introduced by manufacturers for refined oils. They do not have less calories than Extra-virgin oil as implied by the names.
  • Olive pomace oil means oil extracted from the pomace using solvents, mostly hexane, and by heat.
Olive Oil - retail grades in IOC member nations
  • Extra-virgin olive oil comes from virgin oil production only, contains no more than 0.8% acidity, and is judged to have a superior taste. It is used on salads, added at the table to soups and stews and for dipping.
  • Virgin olive oil comes from virgin oil production only, has an acidity less than 1.5%, and is judged to have a good taste.
  • Olive oil is a blend of virgin and refined production oil, of no more than 2% acidity. It commonly lacks a strong flavor.
  • Olive pomace oil is refined pomace olive oil often blended with some virgin oil. It has the same fat composition as regular olive oil. 
Rancidity, is the chemical decomposition of fats, oils and other lipids.
  • Hydrolytic rancidity occurs when water splits fatty acid chains away from the glycerol backbone in triglycerides (fats). More fatty acids are freed from the glycerides, increasing the level of free acidity. 
  • Oxidative rancidity is associated with the degradation by oxygen in the air. Oxidation primarily occurs with unsaturated fats.Via a free radical process, the double bonds of an unsaturated fatty acid can undergo cleavage, releasing volatile aldehydes and ketones. This process can be suppressed by the exclusion of oxygen or by the addition of antioxidants. 
  • Microbial rancidity refers to a process in which microorganisms use their enzymes such as lipases to break down fat. 
Olive Oil - Culinary use
  • Extra virgin olive oil is mostly used as a salad dressing. It is also used with foods to be eaten cold. The higher the temperature to which the olive oil is heated, the higher the risk of compromising its taste.
  • Choosing a cold-pressed olive oil can be similar to selecting a wine. The flavour of these oils varies considerably and a particular oil may be more suited for a particular dish.
  • Refined olive oils are perfectly suited for deep frying foods and should be replaced after several uses.
  •  In time, oils deteriorate and become stale. One-year old oil may be still pleasant to the taste, but it is surely less fragrant than fresh oil. After the first year, olive oil should be used for cooking, not for foods to be eaten cold, like salads.

Monday, September 24, 2012





  • 面色發白、發青、發暗、發黑代表體內可能有寒。顏色越是發暗,就代表寒濕越重。
  • 口臭時舌苔發白,代表體內有寒。
  • 咳嗽時痰是稀白的,代表體內有寒。
  • 流清鼻涕,代表體內有寒。
  • 流出的汗是涼汗,代表體內有寒。
  • 長濕疹、牛皮癬、白癜風,代表體內有寒。

  • 面色發白、發青、發暗、發黑代表體內可能有寒。顏色越是發暗,就代表寒濕越重。
  • 舌苔發白,代表體內有寒濕。
  • 四肢關節疼痛、頸肩酸痛、肩周炎、腰酸背痛等症狀,代表體內有寒濕。疼痛的部位越多,時間越長,代表體內寒濕越重。

  • 過度的按摩、刮痧,會讓身體鬆散、沒勁。
  • 過度的運動會讓身體疲乏,消耗過多而導致虛弱。
  • 過度的性生活,會很快讓身體空虛、軟弱。
  • 吃瀉藥及清熱、寒涼的食物引起腹瀉、尿多,會讓身體虛弱。
  • 過度活血(如泡熱水澡、蒸氣浴等),會使流向皮膚的血液過多,內臟空虛,身體會明顯感覺疲乏。




Friday, September 14, 2012



八綱辨證,是分析疾病共性的辨證方法。八綱指陰、陽、表、裏、寒、熱、虛、實八個辨證綱領。其中,陰陽是總綱,它可以概括其他六綱,即陰證包括裏、虛、寒證,陽證包括表、實、熱證。 醫生運用八綱辨證,對四診,即“望聞問切”,所獲得的所有病情資料,進行分析綜合,從而獲得關于病位、病性、正邪鬥爭盛衰和病證類別的總印象的辨證方法。其中:

  1. 平和質
  2. 氣虛質
  3. 陽虛質
  4. 陰虛質
  5. 痰濕質
  6. 濕熱質
  7. 血瘀質
  8. 氣鬱質
  9. 特稟質

Thursday, September 13, 2012

經絡與時辰、五行 - 作息有時

21:00 - 23:00 亥時 三焦

23:00 - 01:00 子時 膽經

01:00 - 03:00 丑時 肝經

03:00 - 05:00 寅時 肺經

05:00 - 07:00 卯時 大腸經

07:00 - 09:00 辰時 胃經

09:00 - 11:00 巳时 脾經

11:00 - 13:00 中午 心經
此時心經最旺," 心主神明,開竅于舌,其華在表"。人在中午能睡片刻,對于養心大有益,可以使乃至晚上精神抖擻 。

13:00 - 15:00 未時 小腸經

15:00 - 17:00 申時 膀胱經

17:00 - 19:00 酉時 腎經
此時腎經最旺,"腎藏于生殖之精,腎爲天賦和五藏六腑之精之根"。人體經過申時泄火排毒,腎在酉時步入儲藏精華的階段。腎經適合休息 。

19:00 - 21:00 戌時 心包經

五行:木 火 土 金 水
五臟:肝 心 脾 肺 腎
五體:筋 脈 肉 皮 骨
五華:爪 面 唇 毛 發
五志:怒 喜 思 悲 恐
五液:淚 汗 涎 涕 唾
五味:酸 苦 甘 辛 鹹
五色:青 赤 黃 白 黑
五方:東 南 中 西 北
五季:春 夏 長夏 秋 冬
五氣:風 暑 濕 燥 寒
五化:生 長 化 收 藏
五音:角 徵 宮 商 羽
五官:目 舌 口 鼻 耳


Wednesday, September 12, 2012




  • 經脈可分爲正經奇經兩類。正經有十二,即手足三陰經手足三陽經,合稱“十二經脈”,是氣血運行的主要通道。《靈樞·海論》:“夫十二經脈者,內屬于腑臟,外絡于肢節。” 氣血通過經脈即可內至臟腑,外達肌表,營運全身。
  • 奇經有八條,即督、任、沖、帶、陰跷、陽跷、陰維、陽維,合稱“奇經八脈”,有統率、聯絡和調節十二經脈的作用。它們與十二正經不同,既不直屬臟腑,又無表裏配合關系,其循行別道奇行,故稱奇經。其功能有:溝通十二經脈之間的聯系;對十二經氣血有蓄積滲灌等調節作用。
  • 十二經別,是十二經脈在胸腹及頭部的內行支脈。從十二經脈的四肢部位別出,陽經經別合于本經,陰經經別合于相表裏的陽經。主要是加強十二經脈中相爲表裏的兩經之間的聯系,還由于它通達某些正經未循行到的器官與形體部位,因而能補正經之不足。
  • 經筋、皮部聯系肢體筋肉皮膚;浮絡孫絡聯系人體各細微部分。十二經筋均起始于四肢末端,結聚于關節、骨骼部,走向軀幹頭面。行于體表,不入內臟。
  • 凡屬六臟(心、肝、脾、肺、腎和心包)陰經分布于四肢的內側和胸腹部,其中分布于上肢內側的爲手三陰經,分布于下肢內側的爲足三陰經。手足三陰經的排列順序是:“太陰”在前,“厥陰”在中,“少陰”在後(內踝上八寸以下爲“厥陰”在前,“太陰”在中,“少陰”在後)。
  • 凡屬六腑(膽、胃、大腸、小腸、膀胱和三焦)的陽經,多循行于四肢外側、頭面和腰背部,其中分布于上肢外側的爲手三陽經,分布于下肢外側的爲足三陽經。手足三陽經的排列順序是:“陽明”在前,“少陽”居中,“太陽”在後。
  • 表裏關系是:手足三陰、三陽,通過經別和別絡互相溝通,組成六對“表裏相合”的關系。其中,足太陽與足少陰爲表裏,足少陽與足厥陰爲表裏,足陽明與足太陰爲表裏。手太陽與手少陰爲表裏,手少陽與手厥陰爲表裏,手陽明與手太陰爲表裏。
  1. 手太陰肺經主要分布在上肢內側前緣。
  2. 手陽明大腸經主要分布在上肢外側前緣。
  3. 足陽明胃經主要分布在頭面、胸腹第二側線及下肢外側前緣。
  4. 足太陰脾經主要分布在胸腹任脈旁開第二側線及下肢內側前緣。
  5. 手少陰心經主要分布在上肢內側後緣。
  6. 手太陽小腸經主要分布在上肢外側後緣。
  7. 足太陽膀胱經主要分布在腰背第一、二側線及下肢外側後緣。
  8. 足少陰腎經主要分布在下肢內側後緣及胸腹第一側線。
  9. 手厥陰心包經主要分布在上肢內側中間。
  10. 手少陽三焦經主要分布在上肢外側中間。
  11. 足少陽膽經主要分布在下肢的外側中間。
  12. 足厥陰肝經主要分布在下肢內側的中間。

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


五藏 - 心肝脾肺腎
  • 與小腸、脈、面、舌等構成心系統。心主血脈是全身血脈的總樞紐,心通過血脈將氣血運送于周身;心又主神志,是精神、意識和思維活動的中心。血脈指血液和脈管以及血液在脈管中的運行。心主血脈是指心氣推動和調節血脈循行於脈中,周流全身的作用,發揮營養和滋潤作用。氣血指人體內氣和血。氣被視為人體的生長發育、藏腑運轉、體內物質運輸、傳遞和排泄的基本推動能源。
  • 與膽、目、筋、爪等構成肝系統。肝主疏泄,能調節人的情志活動,協助脾胃消化。肝又藏,有貯藏血液、調節血量的作用。
  • 與胃、肉、唇、口等構成脾系統。主運化,促進飲食物的消化、吸收和營養物的輸布,爲氣血生化之源,故有後天之本之稱;脾又統血,能統攝血液不致溢出于經脈之外。
  • 與大腸、皮、毛、鼻等構成肺系統。肺主氣,司呼吸,是人體氣體交換的場所,又能宣發衛氣和津液于全身以溫潤肌腠皮膚。津液是機體一切正常水液的總稱。存在於氣血之中,散布於皮膚、肌肉、孔竅並滲入血脈,清而稀薄,流動性較大,具有濕潤作用的為;灌注於關節、藏腑、腦髓、孔竅等組織,稠而濃濁,流動性較小,具有滋養作用的為
  • 與膀胱、骨髓、腦、髮、耳等構成腎系統。腎藏,與人體生長發育和生殖能力密切相關,故有先天之本之稱;腎又主水,在調節人體水液代謝方面起著重要作用。在中醫學中,氣與精雖同屬於生命物質系統範疇,但精是除氣之外的精微物質的總稱,是一個極其重要的具有多層含義的概念。一般而言,精的含義有廣義和狹義之分。先天(狹義)之精又稱生殖之精,稟受於父母,與人的生育繁殖有關。後天(廣義)之精又稱藏腑之精,由藏腑化生水谷精微而成,主人體生長發育。水谷精微泛指人體消化吸收的的營養物質,是人體生命活動的維持和精、氣、血、津的化生的主要物質基礎。
六腑 - 膽、胃、大腸、小腸、三焦、膀胱
腑,古稱  府,有庫府的意思。六腑的主要生理功能是受納、腐熟水谷,泌別清濁,傳化精華,將糟粕排出體外,而不使之存留。所以六腑以和降通暢為順。生理特點是傳化物而不藏,實而不能滿。在病理變化上相互影響,一腑有病,可影響他腑而致病。

三焦的功能實際上是五藏六腑全部功能的總體 :